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Application Security Solutions

Looking for ways to keep your apps safe? Application security must be maintained to keep private information safe and stop unauthorized entry. Your app is safer with Bizionic because it uses strong security methods.

Different Kinds of API Attacks and Threats

APIs are usually open to everyone on the Internet and are made so
that software can access them. Because of this, they are open to a lot of different threats and strikes.


Endpoints that manage object identifiers that are open to the public face the risk of these objects being accessed without permission

A failure to properly authenticate users could enable unauthorized users to access restricted API functions.

Unauthorized users could expose or manipulate data due to improper authorization at the object property level

A lack of rate limiting could allow attackers to consume limited resources such as CPU, network bandwidth, memory, or storage

APIs commonly have complex authentication protocols that can inadvertently introduce security gaps and loopholes

APIs may make vulnerable a business process (i.e., an action that may be executed using an API) without adding measures to limit usage or prevent misuse

Our services

Secure Your Oracle Cloud with Bizionic Technologies' Expertise:

Don't face the challenges of implementing zero-trust security with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure on your own. Bizionic Technologies is here to help! We use Oracle's built-in security capabilities and our experience to build a strong defense around your data.

Here's how Bizionic Technologies can improve your Oracle cloud security
Reduced Risk: To limit vulnerabilities, we use Oracle's security-first design principles, such as segregated network virtualization and data separation.
Automated Security: Bizionic Technologies automates tasks such as patching and threat mitigation to reduce human error and save time and costs.
Continuous Protection: We ensure that your data is always secure by encrypting it at all times and monitoring user activity. Furthermore, our access management solutions reduce threats.
Partner with Bizionic Technologies for a secure Oracle cloud.

Our specialists will assist you in establishing a watertight, zero-trust security posture for your Oracle Cloud infrastructure.

Why You Need Bizionic Application Security

Risk minimisation Identify and resolve coding flaws that result in a checkmate Improved security stance Assured operational continuity for businesses Compliance
An organization's vulnerability to cyberattacks exposes it to major security threats. Assume that a threat is able to successfully infiltrate the business application and gain access to sensitive information. In such a case, the effects can be so severe that the organization may be unable to recover in the long term. Financial losses from stolen data, brand damage from privacy breaches, and operational disruptions can all destroy a company. Even if an organization is able to recover, the process can be lengthy and costly, taking resources away from vital business tasks. Implementing robust application security measures can dramatically lower the danger of these severe assaults while also protecting your organization's future. Therefore, in order to reduce the chance of severe business hazards, your company needs to make use of the comprehensive application security that is provided by Bizionic Solutions.
Bizionic's application security guarantees that the program is protected from potential threats at every stage of the software development life cycle (SDLC). Exhaustive tests are necessary to uncover coding vulnerabilities that could enable unverified inputs, data exfiltration, or SQL injections at various stages of the application's life cycle, including after the application has been deployed. Even the most secure applications can be compromised by new threats or zero-day exploits. Bizionic's security approach goes beyond initial development to include ongoing monitoring and threat detection. By constantly analyzing application behavior and user activity, Bizionic can identify and address potential security issues quickly, minimizing the risk of a breach. This proactive approach ensures that your applications remain secure throughout their entire lifespan.
You can dramatically improve the overall security of your business by methodically discovering and addressing security risks and vulnerabilities at the application level. This can be accomplished through comprehensive testing and the deployment of security rules. Because of the implementation of Bizionic application security, you will be able to transform your security approach from reactive to proactive, thereby increasing the capacity of your organization to withstand attacks from hostile actors. Additionally, Bizionic's security solutions can streamline your security operations, allowing your team to focus on strategic initiatives rather than manual tasks. This translates to cost savings, improved efficiency, and a more robust security posture overall.
Some application risks and vulnerabilities could threaten the continuity of operations and stability of your modern organization. These hostile actors can extract, corrupt, or delete confidential data or information by gaining access to your application. As a result, it will cost you a fortune in legal bills, remediation fees, mass staff turnover, bankruptcy, and, even worse, a tarnished reputation for your company. You can rest assured that your company's confidentiality, integrity, and continuity will be protected by the application security platform Bizionic. Furthermore, unaddressed application vulnerabilities can disrupt critical business processes, leading to lost revenue and productivity. A secure application environment fosters trust with clients and partners, allowing them to confidently share sensitive information. By prioritizing application security, you gain a competitive edge and ensure your organization's long-term success.
Some application vulnerabilities and risks may jeopardize the continuity of operations and stability of your modern business. Malicious actors can use these flaws to steal personal data, interrupt vital services, or even take over user accounts. This can result in financial losses, reputational damage, and legal penalties. Application security measures are a non-negotiable component of web or application development. The deployment of numerous regulatory and auditing organizations is required to ensure that your company's security requirements adhere to industry norms. Bizionic's application security tools and solutions adhere to existing industry standards and compliance criteria. Possession of it protects your application level and keeps you out of legal trouble.

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